Hello World, and all that Jazz

Hello and welcome to my own little corner of the internet! I figure, when one starts a real blog, it’s important to do a proper introduction. I’m Enc0de, aka Josh, and I’m just a normal dude in my mid-20s actively learning about the world and my place in it! I’m kind of all over the place, and I’d probably miss something if I tried to list what this blog will contain, so I’ll just talk a little about myself to give an idea of what you might find here. I’m a neurodivergent queer leftist software developer with an interest in mindfulness, spiritualism, and simple living. I enjoy exploring new technologies that pull power away from the monoliths and have slowly but surely been de-googling my life. I want to see the internet returned to the old paradigms with safer spaces for marginalized groups. I’m fascinated by community, communal living, and the prospects of a solarpunk future. I love SciFi/Fantasy books and movies, and I’m trying to read more classic literature that I missed out on in my childhood. And that’s kind of the tip of the iceberg! Since the main goal of this space is to write out my musings on these various subjects, there’s a good chance that not everything here will appeal to everyone, and that’s a feature, not a bug! I don’t want to feel like I’m chasing some kind of algorithm, where a reader can idly subscribe and expect to be fed a constant stream of things to read that will always be interesting to them. I hope you hang out and learn along with me!

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